The dangerous and black place, which is known for the notorious types of activities, is hidden from the naked eye. Only a few populations are aware of this world or have know-how about it. Some of them have access to it and use it either on a frequent basis or once in a blue moon. The world on the dark web is entirely different from ours. It is filled with badness and is a place for criminals. Criminals or folks with criminal minds rush to such a dirty place for giving vent to their impure activities.
Taking steps against the law or performing such activities indicates a vicious mind. Any sort of activity performed at a dark place makes you criminal too. There are governmental officials spying the activities on the dark web in order to catch the criminal and take him behind bars. This risk associated place is ample to trouble the user and deprives him of the peace of mind as well.
Shopping at Dark Web:
You cannot say that you want to explore the dark web for buying clothes, grocery or other accessories. It is not a place for such general or positive activities. Here you cannot make such a convenient place. As the name indicates, everything available at the dark web is associated with darkness, and hence the shopping material would be. It contains illegal weapons- are quite harmful to be used. There are a plethora of guns and many more things even without the license.
Drugs or medicines are meant to save the life of human beings and should be taken as per the recommendation of the prescriber. However, on the dark web, illegal medicines are flooded for sale. In addition to this, other types of buying activities carried out at dark web are hiring for hackers, criminals, shooters, etc. All of such purchases are linked to lots of danger, so this is not a place for people with a good heart and mind.
Obfuscating Identity:
Dark web and identity obfuscation are linked to each other. Hiding identity is the main concern of dark web users. Hence, they keep on exploring several means for this. However, exploring such content and striving hard to know about this is not safe at all. This is the reason people use various types of tactics to know about objectionable content on the dark web. Chances of revealing the identity are at a peak when the user explores more and more at such dangerous sites.
Bank Wire:
The world of technology has groomed enormously, and this is the reason that we have great ways of making a payment. The selection of the payment method is entirely dependent on the user’s choice. However, the scenario on the dark web is totally changed. Payment methods for making a purchase at the dark web need to be a secure one. The bank demands the name of the beneficiary for making a transaction successful. In addition to this, the amount spent on buying the products is also added up in the transaction history.
The bank account number and name of both accounts, i.e. of sender and receiver is revealed. Although, transaction by using the bank account is quite common and beneficial in the traditional world as it allows users to deal with any party which is residing in any corner of the world. However, the dark web does not allow you to pay through bank accounts. You are making deals with anonymous members about whom you know nothing. Bank transactions can reveal both parties.
A convenient method which is considered to be highly beneficial from the purchase and sale point of view at the dark web is nothing else than payment through cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrencies are of various types. People keep different type of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Dogecoin, Litecoin etc. in their wallet and use them for making the payment whenever they want. The change of getting tracked from the address of the Bitcoin wallet is possible.
But people consider retaining their anonymity with the use of sagacious methods. It can be CoinJoin/CoinMix or Stealing address method. Changing the Bitcoin wallet address is a method adopted by users to make the payment for product purchases and services received on the dark web. Bitcoin is a digital currency that has excel to offer the best services. These are various anonymous Bitcoin wallets which people use because of their desire for hiding identity.
Who is not aware of PayPal! This is a worldwide accepted method for sending and receiving payments. It is used for making even quite low transactions or massively high transactions too. People use their PayPal on a routine basis even for loading the mobile cards, paying utility bills, online shopping and much more. The trend of using it is increasing day by day. However, it is worthy of mentioning that there are still some countries who have got no approval for the use of the PayPal method.
In order to get registered for a PayPal account, you have to undergo certain sorts of identity procedures. It demands some personal details which are necessary to be provided for opening up that account. Hence, if the user thinks to make the payment through a PayPal account, then his identity would no longer be intact. The privacy issues would be the outcome.
Preferred Cryptocurrency:
As we have discussed earlier, the use of cryptocurrency as a sole payment method for making the transaction. So, here let us find out that among all the cryptocurrencies available in the market which are the most eminent ones that are used for making the transaction.
According to a survey conducted on the dark web payment method, it was found out that people mostly prefer few cryptocurrencies as a reliable method for buying items on the dark web. This survey was conducted in August 2017 and revealed that the cryptocurrencies popular for obfuscating identities while making a transaction at the dark web are Ethereum, Monero, and Bitcoin.
Dark Web Wallet:
The place that resides the cryptocurrency is known as a dark web wallet. Dark web Bitcoin is spent on having the product of desire. People like to gather lots of money and keep them safe in their Dark Web wallets. A wallet address is permanent for the users and hence getting tracked is quite common from the wallet address by having a glance at transaction history.
So, masking the permanent address is considered by the users for keeping their identity secret. The facility of temporary addresses of Dark Web Bitcoin is a sigh of relief for illegal minds and criminals.
Comparison of Popular Cryptocurrency:
There is no doubt in the fact that Bitcoin is the most popular one while it is the which comes up with a few privacy concerns too. However, in the case of anonymity, the safer one is Monero. But, a certain level of danger gets added to it when the user considers using the coins’ hangers such as shapes shift or others.
Taking time in order to make proper and extensive research on having the anonymity of making transactions is a worthy approach. The dark web has teamed with cybercrimes and other sorts of crimes too. Staying safe from it is necessary so better to not indulge yourself in such transactions and avoid using the dark web.